Forge Knife


Forge a Copper Pipe into a Knife  

“Forge” – To hammer, pound, or the use of other forces needed to alter or change metal from one shape into another shape.
This class is for ages 14 to 18.

  1.  Hammer – decent, average weight (not too light), without cracks or other obvious damage that could cause injury or make unwanted marks on the product. Not too small of a head, good handle grip.
    ** General-use hammers can be provided if none are available from your home. Won’t be the best & may need to be shared.
  2. Sandpaper – 1 Sheet each of about 280 to 400 grit, up to 600
  3. for a clean mat-finish, without needing a high polish buffing (a whole other class).
  4. Safety glasses! Ear plugs!
  5. Flat file, about # 0 or 2. Not too fine. Copper can jam a nice file.
  6. Decent fit leather gloves; help protect hands from cuts & mis-hits.
  7. Apron and/or tough jeans! Droppings can hurt. Nylon shorts/pants should NOT be worn. Same with shoes!

** Forging includes some tough hammering and a bit of soldering. That means they will work with a torch, tongs and hot fluid. That may be done outside. Weather permitting. This can be done inside with extra precautions.

** This class is likely the easiest amount of forging and heat used than other metals. Copper is soft, but it still takes quite a bit of heat to solder. Torch soldering is DANGEROUS! There shall be no goofing around or toying with tools and other possibly dangerous equipment around the work area.

** Lunch break will be good to have, to relax the arms, mind and refresh the body.

** Next Class… Make a leather sheath for the knife.

Support Your Brain – Learn A Skill